Management Challenge_ Training & Development Leadership

Management Challenge_ Training & Development Leadership

What problem does it solve? Many government agencies do not offer efficient training in customer service due to lack of management attention, perception or disinterest. Their employees make their day-to-day work without expectation or motivation. A workplace with poor leadership training decreases the efficiency and productivity of their employees by 50 percent or more. What is your solution and who does it apply to? Before developing a strategic plan to invest in technology or implement new procedures to offer a Before developing a strategic plan to invest in technology or implement new procedures to offer better customer service, the state government should focus first on their management staff. Leaders have to be capable of leadership to avoid unhealthy or toxic work environment. A proper Training and Development leadership program will help to create a cohesive work environment where all employees being treated with fairness, dignity, and respect. What is the anticipated impact? “Happy employees mean Happy Customer”


Within DCF, there are many people in leadership positions that possess Master's degrees in social work, but are lacking leadership skills. If the leadership is not strong, every single level of the organization suffers. Ongoing, meaningful leadership training including hands-on mentoring regarding real-life work related issues would be so beneficial for the employees and, ultimately the children and families served.

Also, when preparing a diversity annual report; hourly, part time, and/or State contracted employees should not be included in the summary.

Effective communication is the key to leadership. A team leader must be able to interpret Nonverbal and Verbal Communication to avoid any misunderstandings or confrontations. "Our community deserve the best support possible."

I am in support of this program. Not only on paper I would like to see an active mandatory training for all State workers. Diversity is the number one problem with State government. If we continue to hire our relatives; then how is this promoting diversity. The same people get the same jobs and advantages. Stop the nepotism. Stop setting up ERG groups that are not supported by the Department. All employees should participate in any efforts to advance in State government.

A good leader is invaluable to an institution and the benefits are countless.“Effective leaders don’t command with authority; they inspire, persuade and encourage others to make their vision a reality.”They should keep in mind that measuring and managing employee productivity, it is not about the quantity of work, it is about quality, efficiency, and effectiveness.They must ask their self what kind of methods or strategies are being implemented in order to obtain the 100%of employee productivity

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