Staging school buses at satellite state offices

Staging  school buses at satellite state offices

What problem does it solve? Saves money on gas, saves wear and tear on vehicles and reduces the number of miles driven What is your solution and who does it apply to? In cases where we are transporting students to school, who live close (in some cases) to where our driver's are commuting in from, it make sense, to have that bus driver, first start from a state satellite office, where a bus is pre staged for him, to begin his daily route from there, rather then have that employee drive all the way in to his main campus first, before having to go back out, in to the same area, from where he just came from. What is the anticipated impact? The impact is a savings of thousands of dollars annually, on mileage, on gas, and on the wear and tear of state buses. As a real life example, this idea was implemented at the DCF Regional School Monmouth campus, in Tinton Fall, NJ and so far, with just one bus, so far, on this plan, our Transportation Dept. saved well over a thousands on that bus per month.


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