Motor Vehicle Commission Smart Phone App.

Motor Vehicle Commission Smart Phone App.

What problem does it solve? Bring the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission into the smartphone era by developing an application to be utilized by the public to access New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission services. The app would also provide alerts to expiring documents, pending suspensions, as well as alerting users to system outages/high wait times at various locations. The app could also provide the public with other important updates such as Real ID information or other policy changes. What is your solution and who does it apply to? In the current Smartphone era, there is an app for just about everything! My solution is to develop an application that will provide access to services such as driver license/non-driver ID renewals/duplicates, registration renewals/duplicates, abstracts, suspension payments, road tests scheduling, receiving alerts to expiring documents or pending actions (although notices are sent well in advance, many people procrastinate until the last possible day or misplace the notice altogether), provide the public with real time waits and system outages, provide the public with important updates to various rollouts or policy updates, or provide a platform for future enhancements such as digital licenses or digital registrations. My solution would apply to any New Jersey Smartphone user that utilizes various applications in their day to day lives. What is the anticipated impact? The anticipated impact would be greater convenience of services, more effective communications to the public, fewer summons issued to the public due to expired documents or unpaid restorations, and decreasing foot traffic to the various agencies throughout the state.


As long as there is not an expectation to have messages sent and answered through the app, I am all for it. Great idea!

welcome to 21st century.

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