Email - Let's use it to save money, time and trees

Email - Let's use it to save money, time and trees

What problem does it solve? Currently the amount of money and time spent on mailing letters from State Agency to State Agency not only delays responses, but it also has a financial burden on the state, as the cost of mailing a letter, and using manpower to sort and deliver mail is impactful to our overall budget. Additionally, the paper used for envelopes and letters has an impact on the environment. What is your solution and who does it apply to? I feel that email should be utilized more for agency to agency communication. In my particular agency, The Division of Taxation, we receive requests for information from the Department of Children and Families to verify addresses of individuals related to cases. In the past 4 years we have averaged over 600 requests per year from just this one particular agency. Technology, especially email, should be used to submit the requests and the results from agency to agency. I believe if we look at the way all agencies communicate with one another and exchange information, we can save money, resources and minimize environmental impact while speeding up responses. What is the anticipated impact? The anticipated impact is a cost savings, a savings in manpower, quicker communication and a lower carbon footprint. I understand that there still is a need for certified documents and original copies of documents, but all in all, if we focus on electronic communication, especially with inter-agency communication, we can improve communication, and turn around time for information. In the particular case of the exchange of data between Taxation and Children and Family, we can eliminated the need for 1200 letters, envelopes and the cost of postage for all the address verifications performed each year. The cost savings isn't significant, but we can certainly reduce the 30 day turn around time for requests. If we look at the ways agencies communicate throughout the state, the cost saving might be more impactful, we would certainly be more efficient, and we can save a few trees in the process.


Maybe a drop down menu can be developed where you click on title such as, "forms" and the forms that you use pop up. Click on form you want and complete the form.

Will make communication faster.Maybe a drop down menu can be developed where you click on title such as, "forms" and the forms that you use pop up. Click on form you want and complete the form

So your correspondence must go through the postal service and not interoffice mail? The agency I previously worked at did it this way. I do agree that using email will save paper and the expense of it.

Shared databases would also be a huge help. We should also only email correspondences to our contractors and vendors.

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