What problem does it solve? Essentially, a guild of professionals within DCF (DCPP) with personal experience in foster care, adoption, etc.-by way of any state child protective service agency. The Guild can work with Com. Buyer's newly created Office of the Family Voice, and provide support to families currently involved with the agency. "Experience is the best teacher"- and may assist in policy and procedure development related to children in care. Guild members may also be able to speak in lieu of paid consultants. What is your solution and who does it apply to? My solution is to invite staff (see above) to be apart of the consortium. Teams will be developed according to counties, and meet periodically. Determine a quarterly topic (i.e Parental Relationships) for the teams to discuss, and share personal experiences. Develop a resource sheet to be shared with families via OFV- that includes ways that the guild may have addressed these situations as it relates to their own personal experience. Additionally, the guild may serve as speakers for conferences or as panelists- as they are experienced professionals in every sense of the word. Families will be able to provide feedback concerning their connectedness to staffs' experience, and it may encourage them to see light at the end of the tunnel. Oftentimes, staff is exhausted and also require refueling. Hearing the experience of their counterparts and the motivating force for their work, may encourage staff. The proof is in the pudding! A feedback loop will also be created for general staff. What is the anticipated impact? Hopefully, real experiences from the professionals doing the work will resonate and encourage families to do well. Allowing the guild to serve as professional speakers/panelists will also cut costs related to hiring consultants. A number of staff who have these experiences are also licensed clinicians and engage in work outside of DCF relative to this issue.
The willingness of staff to share the information.
Sometimes information is more impactful when received from people who have lived it, and overcome.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation