STAGE 3: Form Implementation Team in Office of Innovation

STAGE 3: Form Implementation Team in Office of Innovation

What problem does it solve? Too often, great ideas are generated from efforts like ENJINE, but never get implemented due to lack of coordination and manpower. Also, nobody knows WHO the Office of Innovation is. I've heard people call ENJINE a "suggestion box". This proposal would give the Office of Innovation expert man (and woman) power to implement the proposals. In addition, it would give the Office of Innovation a sense of legitimacy and permanence it doesn't have yet. What is your solution and who does it apply to? Solution: Staff Office of Innovation with employees who are motivated and know the ins-and-outs of gov't. First, invite 20 people with promising proposals (and perhaps some insightful commentators) to work full-time for the Office of Innovation for a 12-month temporary reassignment. Be sure to publish pictures and biographies of the staff (along with their agency logo underneath) on the ENJINE website, so that people know not just what the Office of Innovation is, but also WHO it is. Think of it like an "All Star Team". Organize the team with a "flat" organizational structure, like a start-up. Let leadership develop from within rather than basing it on formal rank. Give the team access to decision makers in all departments. The limited term of assignment would give the team a time deadline to accomplish its implementation goals. It is important that the 12-month temporary reassignments be non-renewable, so that accomplishments are made timely and stagnation is avoided. What is the anticipated impact? Provides the "expert support" envisioned in the program description, from people who know the ins-and-outs and nuances of State Government. A cadre forms that can do the work needed to implement the proposals. Some of the proposals obviously require more implementation work than others. But we should not let that hold us back! For some proposals, people need to perform tasks like drafting legislation/policy, coordinating legal review, developing or procuring software..just to name a few. Employees have time and resources to work on Innovation if temporarily reassigned to Office of Innovation. The voted-on proposals turn to reality. Employees see the Office of Innovation as something serious, not as a "suggestion box" or a fad. More innovation happens. The Office of Innovation achieves a sense of legitimacy and permanence among State Employees. All of this eventually leads to culture change. Leaders emerge from within. P.S. I volunteer my services.


Count me in!

Shyamala, So far "Ideation" has generated a lot of very worthy ideas. Good to see the recent updates, which piques my curiosity. Can you explain briefly: 1. Why was solution identification put ahead of problem identification? 2. There are a lot of great ideas on this SMARTER website. How do you plan to handle cases where multiple people put forth what is essentially the same idea (e.g. working from home).

Hi Anthony, thanks for your input. To clarify my previous post, the ENJINE Challenge will advance winning ideas via the Stage Two implementation plan submission process. Winning plans will be selected by representatives from the Governor’s Office, the Office of Innovation, and senior Administration officials - the winning implementation plan teams receive expert support to advance and hopefully implement their plans. Please reach out to us at with any questions. Thanks!

One other suggestion: The State has a lot of good Project Management Professionals working in various departments and agencies. Recommend utilizing their knowledge, training, and expertise.

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