Shared a Variety of Inter-Department/Agency Online Training

Shared a Variety of Inter-Department/Agency Online Training

What problem does it solve? This solves the problem of limited training opportunities while pooling resources and preventing duplicate expenses for similar courses. It would allow employees to enhance their knowledge beyond their available limited choices. It is like taking electives in college! What is your solution and who does it apply to? All employees could search a central list of on-line courses offered by the various agencies and departments to enroll and participate on-line. For example, any employee involved in legal writing could find courses on legal writing tips from the OAG or the Judiciary even if they do not work in those departments. Another example is an employee who would like more detailed instruction on using Excel could sign up and take a course from the IT department. What is the anticipated impact? These courses could be taken at home or while there is "down time" at work. It would give the state the ability to see which courses are being used most frequently and which are in demand. There could be a place for "suggested" or "desired" courses. It would be a great tracking device.


Ashley, e-learning on the Civil Service page has restrictions. I thought there should be open courses.

e-learning on the Civil Service page is not the same. Managers can use it, not individuals: By using the LMS learning path and course management features, managers can plan customized goals, objectives, and skill development exercises for individual employees and receive customized goals, objectives, and skill development exercises for individual employees and receive progress reports.

Has there been any thought to providing the State's training materials to public colleges? Theoretically, this would assist students in the classroom for learning objectives, the State could potentially hire candidates for employment who have already completed online trainings, and College Students can provide feedback to keep the e-learnings relevant/up to date.

I believe this is already happening out of the Civil Service commission through e-learning. I believe that a possible addition of 'PD days' throughout the year instead of the expectation of finding your own time could make this more feasible and you could attend with peers/colleagues which increases the likelihood of engagement.

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